TNR479: Active and Fun Weekends!

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The Nightly Rant Episode 479 Summary

In this episode, Mike and Torya explain how busy they've been since moving to Las Vegas.

Listen to The Nightly Rant Episode 479

The Nightly Rant Episode 479 Show Notes

The show opens with Torya exclaiming to Mike that he takes her to too many crazy sports. They go into detail about which sports, and when. Mike talks about lacrosse, the ‘sport of Torya’s people, ’ and they discuss an experience at a lacrosse game.

Mike and Torya discuss the Mr. Olympia expo in Las Vegas. Mike ran into one of his favorite YouTubers. A story about supplements and illegal substances combined by weightlifters comes into the topic, and then the topic drifts back to a recap of the Mr. Olympia event and their day. 

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